You may only be someone in the world, but to someone else, you may be the world.

John Doe

Wednesday’s Word from the Mount 4/15/15

April 15, 2015

Wednesday Word from the Mount

Good day brothers and sisters. I bring you greetings and felicitations from the summit of the Mount;

I want to invite each of you into the judicial setting as potential candidates interrogated by the world as it relates to our faith in Christ. The reality is that we are spiritual clones of his kingdom. As a matter of fact, Jesus even asked his disciples the query concerning what people are saying about him and then he turns and interrogates Peter by asking him, “Who do you say I am?” Watch this…Peter replied by saying, “Thou art the Christ, the son of the living God.” I wonder if when the world inspects your fruit from the tree of life, will they see your faith fertilized and cultivated by the word; watered by the substance of hope? In other words, will you be found guilty of being his follower? I think I need to inform you that following Jesus requires daily commitment and ongoing courage. My friends, when the world puts you on trial in regards to your relationship with Christ, live daily so as to be found GUILTY AS CHARGED incurring the maximum sentence of ETERNAL LIFE with Christ in heaven. I don’t know about you, but I’m guilty by association.

Therefore, we should look like the Church going to the building to worship the founder.

His servant I remain,
Rev. Dr. Tony C. Person

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