You may only be someone in the world, but to someone else, you may be the world.

John Doe

Wednesday’s Word from the Mount 3/11/15

March 11, 2015

A Wednesday Word

Good day brothers and sisters, greetings and salutations from the Mount!

I want to begin first by expressing my love and compassion to those who are experiencing the maladies of life. The reality is that all of us will have a personal interview with things that are contrary to our faith; those periods which we cannot fathom or understand.

Perhaps you’re reading this message wondering, “What’s next?” You’ve just hurdled over one issue, but now you have come face to face with another and it’s even higher than the one before. You now find yourself struggling with yourself, while Jesus is positioned on the outside of the ring of life, waiting for an invitation. In other words, he’s waiting to be tagged in to fight our battles.

You do know that “the battle is not yours, but the Lord’s”. Therefore, I want to suggest to you to invite Jesus to be a guest at life’s party and allow him to partner with you during your struggles. I submit to you that he is our big brother and he can handle those things that cause fear and fright. He’s waiting to come to our rescue.

As I get ready to close, I want you to take this moment and reflect upon the goodness and graciousness of the Lord who allowed you and me the privilege to live life to its fullest. Don’t you think about giving up on God; because God hasn’t given up on you.

I say to you live…God wants you to live!!

In abundance, I remain,
Rev. Dr. Tony C. Person

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